CreateAThon applications available: Free services available to non-profits
The dreaded non-profit budget-planning season is now underway. I’ve been there and it isn’t much fun! Fortunately I never had to prepare a budget during a recession.
Since I started my business I have been an affiliate agency of a national program called CreateAthon®. The Maryland program is open to all 501 c 3 non-profits from Baltimore through the Mid-Shore.
Through CreateAthon® up to five marketing projects will be selected and completed for free. Previously unselected applicants are encouraged to re-apply. The deadline is July 12. As a unique component of the Maryland program all non-profits not selected are offered a three-hour pro bono consultation.
Since I started the Maryland CreateAthon program six years ago, 25 Maryland non-profits and one New Orleans non-profit have been assisted with projects valued at $80,847.
I will accept completed applications by fax, email and snail mail. Remember the deadline is July 12!
Click here to download a PDF file.
Click here to download a word file.
If you have any questions, call Purple Cat at (410) 604-2319 or email