Careless proofreading can kill you
How many times have we told someone else to “carefully check over your work?” I can remember my sister handing me a dictionary (remember those? I still have the one my sister gave me!) and saying “if you don’t know how to spell it look it up!” Sometimes I just hate it when family members are so right! Now nearly three decades into my profession and I can tell you that when I see an error I do judge the organization or business. Yes, we all make mistakes, but every piece of marketing collateral we create reflects on our brand and our sense of professionalism. If you know you are not detailed enough to proofread well give it to that persnickety person in the office who is always ready to point out other people’s mistakes. We all have good proofreaders in our mist. And if you are a one person shop you can develop the skills needed. It is well worth the time and effort. For more detailed “how tos” on proofreading check out my proofreading tip sheet.